krampus 2021
krampus n kovid
For the attention of all attending
Whitby Krampus Run is an outdoor public event with a parade and performances.
The locations in town have been chosen for open spaces and good ventilation allowing for social distancing. From the start of planning the event we have taken Covid very seriously and have followed developments closely.
Please remember for the safety of our local community, visitors, participants and volunteers that we must all be aware of risks from the ongoing Covid pandemic and take appropriate steps to protect and care for each other.
We have taken guidance from North Yorkshire Public Health Events Guidance
1. You should not attend the event if you feel ill with symptoms which may be Covid, if you become ill during the event please leave the area immediately.
2. We strongly advise that all attending or involved in the event take a lateral flow test at home before attending. Anyone with a positive test must stay at home with household members following national guidance for close contacts.
3. Keep a respectful social distance between yourselves and people not in your group. Please do not crowd to get a better view.
4. Face coverings are advised in any crowded areas.
5. Continue with hand sanitising measures.
We have trained security and first aid who are experienced in Covid risk assessment and are working closely with us. All participants, performers and volunteers have been briefed as to their obligations
There will be notices along the route and at Dock End with reminders of the above points
Hand sanitiser and masks will be available at the central point the bandstand
Unfortunately we are obliged to limit activities which involve personal contact but safe photo opportunities will be available with participants
All participants are registered and will be wearing lanyard identity
Please treat participants and Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary collectors with consideration.
This is a family friendly community event. Now more than ever in this festive season do we need to turn towards each other with consideration care and fellowship

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